Tuesday 27 October 2009

Wikiwonderful, Part II

If I thought the last one was good....


The last paragraph in the "Career in Scotland" section, namely. Classic. And now, singing....

Ohhhhh Gary Harkins, you were the love of my life,
Oh Gary Harkins, I let you shag my wife,
Oh Gary Harkins, now you've got syphillis too.......


Ciao for now.

Thursday 22 October 2009


Sometimes, during the boredom hours, you'll find yourself on Wikipedia, on a completely random page, and wonder "wait, how the fuck did I get to this page?" It was this thought that resided in my brain as I arrived at the page for John Cunliffe.

Don't know who he is? Well, his notable works include (and this is a fucking direct quote):

Postman Pat,
Rosie and Jim,
Being a bearded man.

[ the actual page ]

(EDIT: Didn't see this straight away, but he likes cress, too)

I truly love Wikipedia sometimes. Whether it's putting your mates into the "notable people" section for Paisley as the town's most notorious penguin botherer, or noticing that someone has stuck in "you do NOT talk about fight club" at random intervals on the aforementioned film's page (sadly this seems to have been removed now), it really is the best option for wasting a good minute or two.

And I can waste another minute by writing about it. Yay!

Ciao for now.

EDIT 2: had some awesomely childish fun with the page involving arrest for beastiality, let's see how long it takes them to notice.

EDIT 3: DAMN! Automated Wikibots are annoying, they reverted it. Well, let's see if his sudden distaste for cress-flavoured cress lasts.

EDIT 4: Fuck off. Why does "he likes cress" not consistute a vandalism but "he doesn't like cress" does? WHERE'S THE FUCKING CITATION FOR THAT ONE, YOU CUNTS?

EDIT 5: Wooo! My fight for justice was been successful, the cress has been removed, and so has... shit. They've removed the bearded man bit too. Fuck. Oh man, I feel guilty. I just got the only funny bit on that page removed. I am a douchebag.

Did I say I love Wikipedia? I fucking hate Wikipedia.

EDIT 42: A startling revelation! Wikipedia has restored the page to its cress-loving, notably-beardy version! Good god, they must love beards and cress at Wikipedia too.

Monday 5 October 2009

*annoyed grunt*

Well, I do believe I have neglected this poor blog again.

So, I'm back at uni. Turns out I am having to do an extra subject because I flunked Computing last year, and so, for whatever God-forsaken reason (ha, ha), I chose Theology and Religious Studies. It sounded like a good idea at the time.

Continuing Film and Music, also doing a Creative Writing course, which is just a lovely, lovely course. One seminar a week (granted, 3 hours and on a Wednesday evening) and no exams, and guess what - it's not false advertising, the focus is very much on the writing, they've not roped you in, just to turn round with handfuls of Kafka for you to analyse. And it's 40 credits. I'm soooo glad they weren't taking the piss.

Film & TV was always good for quotables last year, but this year it's outdone itself. We watched The Magic Box, a film from the early 50s about William Friese-Greene, who apparently invented moving pictures, but that bastard Edison stole his thunder. It was all very funny where it didn't mean to be, from his recently beaten-up son saying "he was much bigger than me, I'd have beaten him if he wasn't" to the worst apology ever to his wife (basically, "I didn't just forget about the show, I forgot about you too, sorry" "oh Willy I love you"). Had us all shouting "ENCYCLOPEDIAAAA!" after it.

Anyway, once I have something more interesting to write about, I will.

But don't hold your breath.

Ciao for now.